Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Dispelling dandruff myths

Myth: Dandruff is contagious.
Fact: The fungus Malassezia globosa, which sets off the condition called dandruff, lives on everyone's scalp, so technically you cannot catch something you already have. Hence, you don't get dandruff by sharing combs or pillows with someone who has it. Instead, dandruff ensues as particular scalp reacts to the fungus, while other scalps may have no such sensitivity to it at all.

Myth: Dandruff is curable.
Fact: Through many antidandruff preparations claim to "cure" dandruff, the disorder is actually incurable. It can, however, be controlled and managed with regular use of medicated shampoos and other dandruff "treatments".

Myth: Only a doctor can cure dandruff.
Fact: You can actually manage dandruff by yourself in your own home. By ensuring that your scalp is healthy and clean, you can control dandruff even without your doctor's supervision.

Myth: Poor hygiene causes dandruff.
Fact: Dandruff is not about dirty. It is when the causative organism, already present on the scalp, multiplies uncontrollably on skin that's sensitive to its by-products that the condition ensues.

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Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2012

Dandruff: Under Control

Many agents are used to control dandruff, including sulfur-containing shampoos, antifungal medication, and zinc pyrithione (ZPT) formulations. ZPT formulations, in particular, consist of two ingredients - the mineral zinc and the antifungal pyrithione. Both are individually toxic to the Malassezia, but together they become more effective in destroying the fungus.

Once the Mallassezia is contained, the scalp structure reverts to its tightly packed state, moisture balance is retained, and the skin-shedding cycle slows to its normal rate. Skin cells now fall unnoticeably - without the large clumps of flakes.

An effective dandruff shampoo, therefore must do more than just remove the flakes without addressing their root cause. In choosing one, look for a formula that effectively kills off the fungus, the only way to have healthy, dandruff-free scalp.

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